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Buy viagra over the counter uk in cahoots with a company and pay them to advertise viagra and sell you their generic version, and so on - we never hear any of it. And that is why I would say that all they are really doing is getting people hooked on a product, and then, just enough time later, they are going to start pushing their own generic and Nifedipine in uk they can make out that did it. DARRIE: Now that is an interesting idea. You know, Viagra isn't exactly an easy drug to get, is it? But do you think that kind of business model has any chance of gaining some traction? And is it, you know, something to worry people? KATHLEEN: Well, it could, but we will have to see how this plays out. I mean, think as a lot of drugs, over the years I always see patent expiration date as sort of a sign to really look at the benefits. And a lot of people are taking Viagra just to treat erectile dysfunction; it's not something that is causing any long-term problems. And so what I think they will likely do is push for its generic over time. DARRIE: And that is something to be concerned about. Thank you both so much for talking with us. KATHLEEN: Thank you. DARRIE: Kathleen Pender is the co-author of "Viagra: Complete Healthcare Guide." KATHLEEN: And I am Darriane Del Rio, and that's Health Check today, healthcheck.org. (SOUNDBITE OF SONG, "GIVING UP THE GHOST") JAY Z: So we just want to love life cause its our last gift. CRIS SAWYER: (Guitar solo) Giving Up The Ghost KATHLEEN: This is Health Check. I'm Kathleen Pender. Today on the show, there are more reasons to take your Viagra - some good. not. So we start with some good news. DARRIE: But we're hearing Can i buy maxitrol eye drops over the counter about the new warning on some Viagra prescriptions - something Acheter eryfluid internet called 'risk of stroke.' What does this mean to you? KATIE: It's not really going to increase your risk of stroke. The big concern, I guess, is if you're taking it for cardiovascular reasons. There are a number of reasons that Viagra could increase your risk - including blood thinning, heart failure, and attack. DARRIE: Now that Viagra is available over the counter in United States, many doctors and patients are making their own decisions about when to take it or whom for. Here's the bottom line for you. DARRIE: For this particular prescription, it's pretty clear what's being recommended for most cases is the average patient, between 40 and 80 mg of Viagra. DARRIE: Dr. Peter Leone agrees with Katie that just as most medications, doctors should have very low tolerance for the side effects of Viagra. PETER LOEANE: Most of the risks Viagra are very minor. Most of them are pretty mild. You're going to go through your regular dosage of the medication, you're just going to go through your normal symptoms and expect to be fine. DARRIE: But he warns that many physicians have not had enough training to buy viagra over the counter usa deal with the drug, so there are no guarantees. LOEANE: You know, Viagra is a pretty complex drug. There are so many things going on inside your body, just in blood and so on. you know, just need time to build your tolerance it. DARRIE: So what do you think about these new warning labels? What sort of precautions do you take for the next time you see a doctor or take Viagra? KATIE: I think that I'm not going buy viagra over the counter london to stop taking it. DARRIE: Is that a no, Kathie? KATIE: No, definitely. I want to make sure that there's no serious side effects from taking it. DARRIE: And does that mean you won't take a couple of pills the next day? KATIE: Yeah. I know need to keep checking in with my doctor about that. DARRIE: Is there anything, you know, other than, taking the medicine every day to be doing about it, or is that it? KATHY: You know, I think it is important to talk the doctor about it first if you're going to use it. DARRIE: And do you take your pills in the morning so that you.

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